Young collectors explain their vinyl obsessions: 'My mates all buy clothes I buy records'

Tens of thousands of people will be queuing up to get exclusive releases but
 it's not without controversy.
This year some shops are boycotting the event because they say the event is making it hard for independent labels to get their products released.
But that won't put off many of the fans desperate to get releases from the likes of The 1975, George Ezra, Chvrches and Gorgon City.
Newsbeat talks to the fans behind the new vinyl revival.

James Wood

"I started picking up seven inch records [in December 2010] by my favourite bands just because I thought it was something unique and interesting.
"That Christmas I was gifted a record player and that sparked an obsession," he explains.
James and his records
"I am now a proud owner of a collection that spans over 100 LPs across many genres and it's constantly expanding.
"I've actually taken things one step further and launched an online record store called Jump on Demand Records which focuses on Pop Punk and Alternative vinyl with a good friend of mine.
"It's an exciting time to be a vinyl enthusiast and the whole process of buying and playing a record is a priceless experience.
"I can only see the growth of the format continue at a huge pace."

Ben Bancroft

Ben gives a thumbs up with his records
"My collection, which includes new releases and older, mostly 1980s, vinyl from my parents.
"I've only had my record player for three months now but I've wanted one for about two years before.
"I collect vinyl because in 10 or 20 years I'll be able to look at them and be reminded of the different times in my life that they were bought.
"Also, I find it nice to have a physical copy of an album, especially if it's a favourite.
"First of all it's fun to look at and secondly it's better than MP3s which isn't really worth the money as you can access most music for free on the internet.
"The biggest reason, though, is the fact that I just love music.
"My most recent purchases are the 1994 album, by my favourite band Nirvana, 'In Utero' and the new Young Fathers lp 'White Men Are Black Men Too' which came with a bonus 7".
"That's another reason I buy vinyl, because you can own otherwise unreleased or limited edition music which feels more special."

Fernanda McDougall

Fernanda and records
"I'm 25 this is mine and my dad's vinyl collection. We started collecting together when I was about 14.
"We only collected singles at first because we had a jukebox. Since then it has grown and grown!
"I love having something real that you can hold in your hands and seeing the artwork at its full size.
"The sound you get from vinyl is so much richer than what you get on a download.
"Sitting down and listening to an album or single on vinyl lets you give it the time and attention it deserves, rather than it just being something that's on in the background."

Aaron Child

Aaron Child
"I'm 30 and have been collecting vinyl since I was 13. I was influenced by my dad.
"I am also starting a new club night in May in London called the House Clearance House Party where every record played is given away - a more fun way to collect records!
"We want to make record collecting way more fun and less snobby which it can be sometimes. The hardest part is when you start. So we help you out."

Biddy Harrison-Draper

Biddy standing outside the Club where the Beatles launched their career
Image caption:
Biddy standing outside the Club where the Beatles launched their career
"I've been collecting records for about a year now and it's the best thing I've ever done.
"I'm always going into Piccadilly Records in Manchester to buy records from current bands such as Drenge and Arctic Monkeys, but also older bands such as Oasis.
"When people my age ask why do I spend all my money on records and not going out 'clubbing' I just laugh and say I would rather have something that lets forever than a night out I would forget about the day after."


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